Netflix has made the Oscar-nominated film "Nimona" available for free streaming on YouTube. The animated adaptation, based on the acclaimed graphic novel by ND Stevenson, tells the story of the mischievous shapeshifter Nimona, voiced by Chloë Grace Moretz, who teams up with knight Ballister Boldheart, voiced by Riz Ahmed, to prove his innocence after he is accused of murdering the queen. "Nimona" has been nominated for Best Animated Feature at the upcoming Academy Awards.
With a Metacritic score of 73, "Nimona" has garnered generally favorable reviews. Netflix's decision to release the film on YouTube aims to broaden its audience as part of its Oscar campaign. ND Stevenson, the creator of the acclaimed graphic novel, previously contributed to Netflix's animated reboot of "She-Ra: Princess of Power."
Initially, "Nimona" was a project of Blue Sky Studios, slated for release in 2020 under the direction of Oscar winner Patrick Osborne. However, after the acquisition of 21st Century Fox by the Walt Disney Company, the parent company of Blue Sky, the film faced multiple delays and eventual cancellation. Annapurna Pictures revived the project the following year, tapping animation veterans Nick Bruno and Troy Quane as directors.
This year's Best Animated Feature category is highly competitive, with "Nimona" facing off against strong contenders like "Robot Dreams," "Elemental," "The Boy and the Heron," and "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse." The original "Spider-Verse" film clinched the Best Animated Feature award five years ago, while Studio Ghibli's "The Boy and The Heron" currently leads the pack after securing the Golden Globe last month.
The Academy Awards are scheduled to air on March 10.